It is shaped like a droplet of water as a whole, it also shows a structure, a development rising to the skies, a building, a sportive dynamic shape, a memorable, minimal, sophisticated and overall recognizable brand. It is easy to use and apply to any surface at any size. Its general shape also gives a 3D/perspective effect that gives a sense of a triangle/piramid with brings concepts of power and right direction, going upwards shows positivism, growth, transparency. Each segment of its structure has a shade/tonality of only one color, hence Blue. It gives a sense of intellectuality with a color gradient which at the same time shows movement, dynamism and sophistication.
This logo typhography has been custom made exclusively for your brand, its curved lines goes according to its icon, it conveys clarity and modernism. It is easy to read and understandable at any size. This is a mark to cover all aspects of this corporation.