A "KOLO" is a general term for the circular traditional group dance from the Balkans. Each region has their own particular "kolos" with their own costumes, coreography and music or songs. Here present are the most famous ones and my all time favorites, on top the "Kozaracko kolo" from Kozara mountain where I come from :) then the Deaf dance from Glamoc in Western Bosnia known for its super energetic coreography and danced without music as the music was forbidden during the Ottoman rule when the kolo was usually danced. On the bottom, the fastest Kolo of all three the Kolo from Uzice in Serbia that is literally unavoidable at any wedding party in the Balkans. Kozaracko kolo although originally Serbian became the symbol of unity of Balkan people after the II WW. All designs are available as prints in my online shop. Cheers!