"Simple is beautiful". The center of the emblem focused as a hub (gyms , classes , trainers , protein shop". There are four "A". Because it symbolizes the brand name "Atheleholic" & also for "Athletes". It also seems like a road. By this point of view, it shows that all the roads accompanied by ONE POINT. That means "Atheleholic" ( gyms , classes , trainers , protein shop etc) are connected with this brand. There is a color psychology behind this logo. Blue color represents knowledge, calm, honesty, trust which are the most important facts of Atheleholic.
Slogan: The slogan is creative, logical & informative. It motivates the people. If the customers come to gyms , classes , trainers , protein... etc. then they would be Healthy. If they are healthy, they would be Happy. And Happiness is the root key of human being. If they are happy, their mind would be inspired & they will succeed.
After all, the logo is aesthetic, rational, creative, logical & faithful.