We provide research and training to stakeholders in the coffee industry: coffee farmers, coffee traders, and coffee roasters. These people are a bit eclectic: from ultra-finance types to salty farmers and hipster roasters. What they have in common is a love of coffee and a concern for what happens to coffee prices.
The business that I am launching is a digital "academy" where I provide two services: formal training classes on the coffee market (fun and high quality), and providing subscriptions to my market commentary and analysis (engaging, easy to understand, and insightful).
I have two mantras for my clients: 1) "add value to everyone who knows me" 2) "be entertaining". As such I try to provide insightful commentary that makes a complex subject, fun and easy to understand with an insightful punch. I also provide free and paid training and webinars on coffee on the market. Always try to be fun and engaging while delivering massive amounts of value.