NAD Dynamics, Inc is a cutting edge pharmaceutical and cosmetic product innovator leveraging the newly discovered healing power of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) as its base ingredient. Product will include skin smoothing creams, topical creams for pain, and sublingual drops for longevity.
Electron Transfer & Perpetual Cycle:
The hexagonal shape and internal linear patterns symbolize NAD’s electron transfer process. The repeating lines represent a perpetual cycle, reflecting the continuous and dynamic nature of NAD in metabolism, highlighting your brand’s role in driving ongoing energy and innovation.
Vitruvian Man Representation:
The subtle, simplified Vitruvian Man within the hexagon symbolizes human perfection, balance, and proportion. This ties the scientific precision of NAD Dynamics to the broader concept of human progress, positioning your brand at the intersection of science and well-being.