Brand Guide. Extended Package.
Serviço de Manual de identidade da marca
Extended Package includes the following sections:
1. Logo usage (no logo design)
2. Colour palette
3. Typography
4. Imagery
5. Stationery (business card, letterhead, envelope)
6. Printed materials (flyer, brochure, poster, etc.)*
7. Digital items (FB, Youtube, Twitter cover)*
8. Storefront sign*
9. T-shirt*
10. Vehicle wrap*
*The items marked with the asterisk are optional and can be removed from the Extended Package. You may also add any other item you need.
O que você vai terá
The final PDF file is ready-to-go so you may share it with your team, designer, partner, or printing facility.
You also receive ready-to-use final files for the stationery, printed materials, digital items, signage and store navigation signs, corporate clothing, vehicle wrap or other items included in the package.
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