Imagem do serviço

VINTAGE.HAND DRAWN. Custom Illustration set

7 dias
prazo de entrega

Serviço de ilustração ou gráfico

Depending on the amount detail the number of illustrations delivered can vary from 2-5.
1. We discuss the clients' project particular needs ( Where are the illustrations going to be used?. What material is being used? etc).
2. After this first meeting, the client can expect the first round of ideas in 3 days. ( aprox 10-12 ROUGH sketches)
2. Once the first set is uploaded, the client will select 6 to 8 ideas to be refined. The illustrator will refine the approved concepts and deliver a second set in 2 days.
3. The client receives the second group of illustrations ( about 6-8 illustrations). The illustrator and client agree on which ideas are going to be at the "final set", (2-5 illustrations. it varies depending on the client needs).
4. In about three days, the will receive the final set illustrations ( corrections included)

I will grant you permission to reproduce the set
I reserve the right to display the illustration on my portfolio.

O que você vai terá

Clean psd with transparent background.

Image file (JPG)
Image file (PNG)
Photoshop file (PSD)
Large image file (TIFF)

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