Serviço de Logotipo e cartão de visita
• 3/4 Days Duration Project.
• 3 Draft or Options and 3 Revisions or Modifications.
• An additional amount of the price will be charge if you want an extra option, draft or modification.
• The package include the logo design and a business card personalized.
O que você vai terá
• Rights about the publisihing of the logos designed by SherpaStudio in my portfolio, website or other media sites.
• Project legal rights will be transfer to the client after to release the project payment.
• Duration of the project starts after to upload the first draft or design.
• There won't be a refund in case of project was canceled for any reason other than a violation of the terms established here.
• Client can choose more than one option with an additional payment. For each extra option/design you want to buy, client should pay an 50% extra of the Project's Price. (For example: Project's Budget - $300, the extra design or logo will be $150 and the total will increase up to $450).
• Designer will sent the client the typefaces with the licenses for commercial use in case it was needed.
• Designs or options declined can be used by the designer as he wishes. Client only buy one logo and one business card design, not all drafts.
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