I would like a design that says 'carnival,' but elevated. I'd like to see what you think the colors of the trailer would be, and the background of the logo should help it stand out from the rest of the trailer. I have a logo that is okay, but not quite there, and depending on what you come up with, I might show the logo I have later to change directions. But for right now, fresh ideas are good.
The logo should be able to fit on a hat or T-shirt, and on the side of the trailer or on a menu. Maybe you can design a simple loyalty punch card also.
Thanks for your time; I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Se você usar fontes pagas, confirme com o cliente se ele está de acordo com isso. Por razões de licenciamento, recomendamos que você forneça ao seu cliente as informações sobre como adquirir a fonte utilizada ao invés de enviar os arquivos da fonte.
Os textos nos logotipos devem ser convertidos em contornos (outline).