Este concurso está concluído. Parabéns a(o) designer vencedor ♛ ReN™
Informações gerais
Nome a incorporar ao logotipo
Noble Women
Slogan a incorporar ao logotipo
Descrição da empresa e do público-alvo
Women’s ministry at Grace City Church, Wenatchee, WA. We will brand apparel and accessories for our events and annual conference. We will have it on our website, videos, and media.
Our tag line is: Made by God. Made for good.
We don’t know if it should be incorporated into the branding or not, but it’ll be used regularly with our brand. We want the graphic to be simple and easily recognizable. Words that we think of for Noble Women are: unique, strong & feminine, creative, dignity, worth, virtuous, beauty, nurturer, helper, caring, sophisticated, intelligent, respected, flourishing.
Potential ideas: crown, royal, jewel, garden, floral, sketch, line drawing, handmade look
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Os textos nos logotipos devem ser convertidos em contornos (outline).