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Informações gerais
Nome a incorporar ao logotipo
Clear Vibes
Slogan a incorporar ao logotipo
Descrição da empresa e do público-alvo
Clear Vibes is a new skincare brand that specializes in natural, effective solutions for acne treatment. Our products are designed with a focus on using mostly natural ingredients that are easy to pronounce, with minimal dependency on chemicals (as opposed to national brands that are heavily chemical-dependent). Our target audience are teenagers and young adults (both male and female) dealing with mild to moderate acne. They are health-conscious individuals who are looking for gentle yet effective skincare products. They value authenticity, sustainability, and are drawn towards products that are not only kind to their skin but also to the environment. Clear Vibes aims to empower this demographic with confidence through skincare that combines the best of nature and science, providing them with a clear, healthy complexion. Our products will include acne exfoliating face wash, natural bar soaps, and moisturizers.
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