Informações gerais
Nome da empresa
Visão geral
We strive to develop telecommunications test equipment products in a market currently dominated by "old boys" and an aging business model. Our differentiators include:
- _High-performance_ whilst being _budget-conscious_ ( we aim for 90% of the features of a comparable competitor solution for 10% of the cost )
- _Easily procurable_ through web-site e-commerce (compared to competition with old school sales rep, email quotes, fax etc)
- _Easily operable_ through a web browser (compared to installed proprietary desktop software and/or integrated screen on the product itself)
Products: our products consist of Optical & Protocol level test equipment for the telecommunications market. Think of "optical" as in "optical fiber / very high-speed". Think of "protocol" as in "complex communication". Think of "testing" as in "making sure a product/network service should be checked for compliance" / "the product/service must perform as specified".
We are a dynamic & agile company building our company & products @ the speed of the Web: using cutting edge services (e.g. Google Apps, Google Docs, Google AppEngine, SmartSheet etc.)
FYI, some competitors: , , ,
We are a group of experienced professionals aiming to make a difference in the Test & Measure market through a bold business model.
Descrição da empresa e do público-alvo
A first customer target group for our products includes the "under-served" folks from our competition e.g. small network operators and subcontractors to those, small network equipment vendors and subcontractors to those.
A second customer target group for our products includes folks looking to "scale" their testing needs by complementing their existing solution with our equipment.
The target audience includes network & hardware engineers and engineering managers.
Informações do conteúdo
1. Follows the "web2.0" spirit
2. No cartoons - we want a "web look" without risking being shunned by prospective customers
3. We like blue & green colors (but we are opened to creativity! let your imagination roam freely!)
4. Logo must be in 2 parts: an icon part ("text free") and the second part must be comprised of 'stylized' the company name (Data-Tester)
5. An ".svg" version must be made available - we are opened to other suggestions as long as the design can be scaled without degradation
6. The logo's background must be "transparent" (alpha transparency)
NOTE: the attached file "mptg.jpg" is a photograph of the first product (the "H" logo on the front is old - disregard it).
Arquivos do concurso
Arquivos finais
Se você usar fontes pagas, confirme com o cliente se ele está de acordo com isso. Por razões de licenciamento, recomendamos que forneça ao seu cliente as informações sobre como adquirir a fonte utilizada, ao invés de enviar os arquivos da fonte.
Os textos nos logotipos devem ser convertidos em contornos (outline).