The logo I posted in the picture is trademarked, but if there is a way to work around it and incorporate the logo into a Boosting picture/cartoon. I'm looking for the words "Destiny Boosting" with that logo to be incorporated. Don't take the picture logo and put Boosting after it, I would like for you to be creative. If you can put the logo's together create something natural that would be great and include the words "Destiny Boosting". Maybe even have the destiny logo (black one) with the fire from the rocket making it "Destiny Boosting". Goodluck!
Se você usar fontes pagas, confirme com o cliente se ele está de acordo com isso. Por razões de licenciamento, recomendamos que forneça ao seu cliente as informações sobre como adquirir a fonte utilizada, ao invés de enviar os arquivos da fonte.
Os textos nos logotipos devem ser convertidos em contornos (outline).
I like how they have a logo + name under it w/ same colors