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Informações gerais
Nome da empresa
City of Deerfield Beach
Comunidades e ONGs
Descrição da empresa e do público-alvo
The CIty of Deerfield Beach is located on the Atlantic Ocean in beautiful South Florida. We are home to both luxurious and quaint neighborhoods, major corporations and many recreational amenities in the water and on the land. We have a diverse population that is welcoming to everyone.
The City continuously offers its residents opportunities for better jobs and careers through workforce development programs and informational sessions. The Career & Resource Fair is a semi annual event where the CIty brings the best employers in the CIty and regional organizations to meet individuals that are looking for a job, a career change or professional advancement.
Informações do conteúdo
We are looking for a modern and compelling flyer that will catch the eye and will attract attendees to the event. As we are a municipality, it also needs to be community oriented. The flyer will be printed and also posted on-line.
Outras notas
Please avoid to use the pictures that most career fair flyers use of a group of people dressed in different career outfits.
Banco de imagens
O cliente não tem certeza de quer usar banco de imagens neste concurso.
Bancos de imagens são arquivos de fotos e vetores licenciados. Inclua o termo de responsabilidade para uso de banco de imagens ao enviar os designs para que os clientes possam pagar pelas licenças.
Flyer Copy.docx
há 5 anos
12,11 KB
Please include: For More Information, Contact: Gigi Chazu at or 954-395-6051
Se você usar fontes pagas, confirme com o cliente se ele está de acordo com isso. Por razões de licenciamento, recomendamos que forneça ao seu cliente as informações sobre como adquirir a fonte utilizada, ao invés de enviar os arquivos da fonte.
Please include: For More Information, Contact: Gigi Chazu at or 954-395-6051