Informações gerais
Nome da empresa
Visão geral is a start-up company, which is an online children’s book rental company (like Netflix for children’s books). We need design templates for our web pages so that the programming of the pages can begin.
We would like a design for the home page and one inner page - the Member Page. The winning designer may also be contracted to design at least 4 additional inner pages.
Here are links to a few websites whose look we like - just to give you a feel for our aesthetic: (this is our favorite)
We want the design to be a bit playful and fun, but still clean and easy to peruse. (And definitely not cartoonish).
Feel free to design the home page first and await feedback before designing the inner page. We will provide feedback regularly.
Descrição da empresa e do público-alvo
The target audiences for the site include families with children and teachers. Additionally, we will target people buying gifts for children or baby showers (friends, grandparents, etc).
Informações do conteúdo
*Home page and the Member Page:
- - Attached you will find wireframes for each of these pages to use as a general guide (not an exact layout) for content we intend to include on each page.
*We have attached a suggested header graphic. We would like to see something along these lines, but we welcome creative changes as long as it retains the theme and spirit of the design. (Note - The bar on the left side of this file will not be needed unless you choose to use it in your design.)
*The company logo is also attached. The colors for the page can be taken from the header graphic and the logo. (Mainly soft blues and greens).
*There is one additional graphic attached, which our logo designer also created that we liked. Feel free to use in design, but not required.
*Size requirements: design for 1024 pixels wide, and minimize scroll down where possible.
*All font files used should be included or a link to download them.
*No Flash, please.
*Files provided should be layered RGB files in Photoshop PSD or Fireworks PNG format and a jpeg version.
*No coding is required! However, we might contract you later to create a HTML/CSS version if you have the coding skills.
Arquivos do concurso
1 x Design(s) para página na internet
Arquivos finais
Você deverá enviar um arquivo em PNG ou JPG. Verifique com o cliente para saber se ele tem alguma preferência.
Se você usar fontes pagas, confirme com o cliente se ele está de acordo com isso. Por razões de licenciamento, recomendamos que forneça ao seu cliente as informações sobre como adquirir a fonte utilizada, ao invés de enviar os arquivos da fonte.