Título e autor
The Pathless Path
Paul Millerd
Foto do autor
Biografia do autor
Paul Millerd is a curious human who is fascinated by the stories we use to make sense of our lives. He spends his time reading, writing, working with interesting companies, running an online business, and making friends.
Descrição do livro
This Pathless Path is a story about a shift from getting ahead to coming alive. In college, Paul becomes obsessed with the idea of landing a prestigious job and does everything in his power to become the type of person that can follow that kind of path. Over the next ten years, he navigates becoming what he thought he wanted before realizing he is on the wrong path. He walks away and finds that a different kind of journey, one that doesn’t quite make sense, might hold the key to balancing life, work, and success in the modern world.
Professionals from college-aged to mid-life who are afraid to shift beyond the default path of success. People that have a deep feeling that something is "off" but are afraid of taking action. My readers is similar to the hundreds of people I've had "curiosity conversations" with over the past few years - 18-45, has had some success in their life, struggles with fitting into the default script of their country, but doesn't love the popular alternatives many offer "become a startup founder!"
Informações do livro físico
Tipo de capa de livro
Capa de papel (sem lombada)
Capa (frente)
- Título
- Nome do autor
- Subtítulo
Informações da capa (frente)
Subtitle: Imagining A New Story For Work & Life
- Sinopse
- Preço
- Código de barras/ISBN
Informações da contracapa
- Título
- Nome do autor
Informações da lombada
Editora do livro
Lightning Source / IngramSpark
Informações sobre o e-book
Primeira página
- Título
- Nome do autor
- Subtítulo
Informações da primeira página do e-book
Última página
- Biografia do autor
Informações da última página do e-book
Editora do e-book
Amazon Kindle
Estilo visual
Inspiração de design
Cores para explorar

Outras solicitações de cor
Visão criativa
Atributos de estilo
Necessidades do design
The mood should be inspiring, thought provoking, and curiosity. The story is about leaving the "default path" of success but not about escaping it.
Ideas that might be interesting to see:
- Someone embarking on a path without a clear end and being inspired along the way
- Items like a tie or suit being left behind on a path that goes towards something beautiful in nature
- Some way of simply conveying there is a new story worth following, one that inspires joy, connection & hope
I've also attached my podcast cover - while I dont want as much detail it captures the mood im looking for
O que evitar
I don’t think I want anything with roads
Banco de imagens
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Bancos de imagens são arquivos de fotos e vetores licenciados. Inclua o termo de responsabilidade para uso de banco de imagens ao enviar os designs para que os clientes possam pagar pelas licenças.
Arquivos do concurso
1 x Capa de livro físico
Vencedor deste concurso
1 x Capa para e-book
Arquivos finais
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