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Ai Cat Inc
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Nome do produto
Ethernet Cable box design with modern style
Descrição do produto
Our products are ethernet cables. There are two different categories 1) Cat6 and 2) Cat5e. These are used to connect our computer to the internet.
Descrição do público-alvo do produto
Any companies, homes, schools, buildings that need to connect to internet.
Visão criativa
Atributos de estilo
Necessidades do design
We are needing box design for 1) Cat5e ethernet cable box. Our brand is "Ai Cat" with company name Ai Cat Inc
We have a sister company with brand name "fast Cat." which we are providing as sample with ai files. ( For fast Cat., Cat6 is using red color and Cat5e is using blue color. For Audio cables, they are using green and for alarm cables, they are using purple. I am attaching a file as a sample.
Ai Cat will be first launching Cat6 and Cat5e ethernet cable, but we are needing 1 type of packaging for Cat5e design first. While fast Cat. box is box for 1000 ft, Ai Cat will be launching 500ft first. Below is dimension we need for 500ft box:
Cat5e: 290 x 290 x 190mm
Currently, we are providing .ai file for Cat5e which it has 290 x 290 x 190mm size.
Since Ai Cat Inc is a syster company to Dongil Electric Wire with fast Cat. brand, we could try to have some resemblence or feeling that our box design is somewhat related to fast Cat. But please make our box desgin more modern and better.
I am also attaching Gigaon's box design as another sample design that are modern as a reference only.
Please feel free to use or exclude the cable images that are current on both fast Cat boxes when you design Ai Cat box (Cat6 and Cat5e cable images are different.)
Please keep all launguages/certification images/contents in the fast Cat .ai files as you design boxes for Ai Cat.
Please make our box design modern and stand out compared to our competitors.
O que evitar
Dimensões da embalagem
Cat5e: 290 x 290 x 190mm
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Arquivos do concurso
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